About parabens
About parabens
Parabens are used as preservatives in many cosmetic products, such as skin creams, deodorants, make-up and shampoos. These substances serve to extend the shelf life of the product and prevent the growth of bacteria. However, recent research has shown that parabens can be harmful to human health. These substances can accumulate in the body and potentially affect hormonal balance. In addition, parabens have been linked to the risk of breast cancer and damage to cell nuclei. It is important to note that each person has a different sensitivity to parabens and their effects may be dependent on the dose and duration of exposure. However, to be on the safe side, many people choose paraben-free cosmetic products. These products are often labeled "paraben-free" or "natural" and can be found in beauty supply stores. In conclusion, parabens are still a subject of debate and research, but to be safe, it is best to avoid them and choose paraben-free cosmetics. Health is the most important thing and it is worth investing in products that do not endanger it.