Foot reflexology massage

Feet are very important for our health!

 Few people realize the vital importance of the feet to health and healing. Few people pay any attention to their feet at all. We use unsuitable footwear, we press our feet in fashionable high-heeled shoes, we suffocate them in artificial socks and stockings, we do not give them space to relax. Our feet connect us to the ground and literally ground us energetically with it in full.

The feet are the perfect microcosm of the body. All organs, glands and other parts of the body are distributed on the feet in the same arrangement as the "reflections" of the relevant parts of the body. When the reflex zone on the foot is stimulated, a safe reaction is evoked in the organs and glands. The feet are extremely sensitive because they have a number of nerve endings. 

Nerves in the feet 

Nerves conduct electrical impulses through energy channels (nerve network) that connect the feet to all parts of the human body. When pressure is exerted on certain points on the feet, electrochemical nerve impulses are activated, which formulate a message for the body. This report passes through centrifugal neurons into the ganglia (a cluster of nerve cells and fibers that form an independent nerve center outside the spine and brain). The message then proceeds from the ganglia through centrifugal neurons to a specific organ that takes control and responds to the stimulus. The stimulus causes a reaction in the organ and at the same time causes a release. This is the first step where, on the basis of a stimulus through nervous excitement, the human organism begins in its self-healing process.

Reflexology of the feet is nothing new 

Some form of foot therapy, similar to today's reflexology, has been used for centuries by various cultures around the world. The Chinese were also aware of the importance of the feet for the treatment of disease. There is a strong connection between reflexology and acupuncture. Both are considered meridian therapies, which means that the energy pathways connect the hands and feet from different parts of the body. The oldest documentary on efflexology was discovered in Egypt, in the tomb of the Egyptian physician Andmahor. It dates from 2500 to 2330 BC. They brought Reflexology to the American Indians. It did not reach Europe until the end of the 19th century. Reflexology foot massage is based on the principles of reflexes, which are stored in the legs, and are connected to every organ, gland, or every part of the body. 


- Fever and infectious diseases 

- Fungal disease of the feet 

- After an organ transplant

Foot reflex massage

60 min                                                                     600 CZK

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