Dry carbon dioxide bath

Dry carbon dioxide bath

 - a modern method of treatment

A serious danger to human health is the low content of carbon dioxide in our body. Its lack can ultimately lead to such serious diseases as hypertension, ischemia, obesity, constipation, diabetes, stomach ulcer, bronchial asthma. At present, dry carbon dioxide baths are increasingly being used to eliminate this phenomenon. They are able to eliminate such a deficit, accompanied by such manifestations as spasms.

This kind of bath is a method of treatment, during which the patient's body (except the head), which is in a bag specifically designed for this, is exposed to artificially prepared carbon dioxide for medical purposes. This method of treatment has a complex mechanism of action on the body. So, carbon dioxide, penetrating through the skin, increases the content of water-active substances in the body, which exert a capillary-expanding action. This process helps to improve blood flow, blood pressure, heartbeat . Dry carbonic baths have a beneficial effect on blood pressure. Thanks to these procedures, the patient's breathing becomes more rare and deeper. After the use of such baths, gas exchange is significantly activated, oxygen utilization is improved, metabolism is accelerated, immunity is increased, and the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system is improved.

Dry carbon dioxide bath, unlike water baths, has a softer effect, because it excludes strong hydrodynamic effects of water. In dry baths, there is no hydrostatic and thermal stress on the patient's body. This kind of procedure is shown even in the post-infarction period, after the operations of aortocoronary shunting.

These baths are taken 2-3 times a week. The duration of the procedure can vary from 30 to 45 minutes. Traditionally, a treatment course consisting of ten baths is prescribed. For prevention and with the aim of detoxifying the body, it is enough to pass a treatment course consisting of ten baths.

Dry carbon dioxide bath has the following readings:

- Various diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, myocardial dystrophy, vegetative-vascular insufficiency, hypotonic disease);

- Nervous diseases;

- disruption of the endocrine system;

- impotence;

- Diseases of respiratory organs;

- gynecological diseases;

- diseases of the genitourinary system;

- skin diseases.

Dry carbonic baths, contra-indications for which are also numerous, as well as indications for their use, can be taken at the discretion of the attending physician.

Contraindications for such baths include:

- hypertensive crises;

- exacerbations of acute inflammatory processes;

- circulatory insufficiency 1 and 2 degrees;

An aneurysm of blood vessels and heart;

- heart rhythm disturbances;

- Malignant formation;

- Pregnancy;

- thromboembolic complications;

Renal and hepatic insufficiency;

- recurrent infarction;

- impaired cerebral circulation.

Dry gas carbonic baths

1 x 40 min (one bag included)                                   350 CZK

10 x 40 min (one bag included)                              2 500 CZK

Bag                                                                         100 CZK